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File List | 1995-07-20 | 4.3 KB | 85 lines |
- 3DFAX.ZIP ITI's 3D FAX somewhat limited Freeware rel
- Speed up and enhance your current FAX
- your current FAX software.
- AFAX1_1.ZIP ALLFAX Utility for BGFAX v1.01 adds menu,
- view, send Faxes, Make Faxes & incoming.
- COMTBETA.ZIP COMt v2.0a "The Telnet Modem"
- DIALM73.ZIP DIALM v7.3 Phone Dialer w/Call Timing, Log,
- and More
- FAXBAT20.ZIP FaxBatch v2.0: simple network FAX gateway
- program; 03/17/95; Peter Summers.
- FAXFR103.ZIP FAXFERET 1.03 Displays all capabilities of a
- remote fax machine by ferreting out and
- decoding the Digital Information Signal DIS
- Requires a Class 1 fax modem.
- FAXGATE.ZIP The FaxGate Project! Software and
- Information.
- FAXSU60D.ZIP FAXSU6 ver 6.0d Network aware SHAREWARE
- Attention WinWord 6.x users with FAXmodems
- With this system you just have to
- point-and-click on the output device and the
- rest is automatically taken care of.
- FWDFAX10.ZIP FWRDFAX V1.00 beta Utility to forward
- selected fax's to a fax machine or fax/modem
- of your choice.
- HQFAX30.ZIP One-Step High Quality FAX v3.0 HQ-FAX
- provides many, many value adding features for
- your FAX modem. Works with virtually all FAX
- modems. Produce and send FAX-ready files in a
- single step. Produce DCX, PCX, and TIFF
- formats, thumb-tack graphics with text, use
- pre-printed forms. Ver. 3.0 provides a Print
- Capture utility as well as modem driving
- software, for Class 1, Class 2, CAS.
- MOD04285.ZIP Modems.DAT from DataStorm for Procomm Plus
- 2.01 (this is DOS ver only).4.28.95
- MODEM404.ZIP FaxModem Wizard v4.04 Fine Tune Your Modem
- and Settings
- MODSTA17.ZIP ModemSta 1.7: Animated icon replica or larger
- indicator displays of modem's front panel.
- Several great 3D looks, with customizable
- colors. For use with internal, external and
- PCMCIA modems. Modem initialization, logging
- of incoming calls and connections, additional
- status info, show communications settings,
- generation of sounds at comm events. Can also
- monitor parallel ports. Shareware US$15.
- OPTICOM.ZIP OPTICOM: Communication Port Optimization v. 1
- For COM Ports 1, 2, 3 and 4. Optimize your
- communications by switching your BIOS address
- Results in faster connections
- PAGEME23.ZIP Updated version of Pageme1.zip - handles com
- 1-4, sorts entries, works on DTMF "touch tone
- type pagers, not on alpha pagers. $15
- PBILL11.ZIP Phonebill' v1.1 is a log file analyzer: scans
- log file(s) generated by a terminal program
- or a mailer, extract all information about
- calls you have made by using your modem, and
- store this in its own (short) format.
- QMMD0695.ZIP Qmodem modem definition file (QMODEM.MDF) for
- Qmodem 4.x/5.x; 06/08/95;
- QMPMODEM.ZIP The very latest modem setups for both Qmpro
- v1.53 and Qmpro for Windows v1.11c.
- RPIFACTS.ZIP The FACTS about RPI modems. This document
- presents sobering facts about modems using
- the Rockwell Protocol Interface. Based on a
- FAQ prepared by Zoltrix, it lays out the
- limitations of RPI. MUST read for folks
- planning to upgrade their modems, and for
- sysops hoping to steer their users away from
- trouble!
- SERPT18.ZIP FAQ: The Serial Port Release 18. This is a
- summary on serial communication using the TTY
- protocol.
- SMPT_101.ZIP SimpTerm v1.01: Test/debug up to 4 serial
- devices at a time. Terminal Emulation Program
- that supports any Address/IRQ/Baud setting,
- 16550AF UART's with FIFO Trigger Control,
- RS-232 & RS-485 communications, and much
- more! Shareware - $50.00 U.S.
- ZOOMINFO.ZIP Information on ZOOM v32 and v34 modems
- including modem parameters and suggested
- configurations or line noise problems.